Unconditional Love
Isaiah 54:10
For the mountains may move and the hills disappear, but even then my
faithful love for you will remain. My covenant of blessing will never be
broken," says the LORD, who has mercy on you.

I constantly find myself wondering if I am still loved by others in my life or if what I have done recently has made them stop loving me. Often I feel like even the most tiniest mistakes or actions I do will cause others not to love me or accept me.
Sean Duran Photography
Have you ever felt like you just got on someone's good side and then you
did something dumb and felt like they didn't love you anymore?

I constantly find myself wondering if I am still loved by others in my life or if what I have done recently has made them stop loving me. Often I feel like even the most tiniest mistakes or actions I do will cause others not to love me or accept me.
We are not perfect and will make mistakes. People will get the wrong
impression of us- but those who love us despite our mistakes and
failures are the ones that only truly matter. If someone loves you they
won't base it on mistakes or failures- they will look beyond your
actions and see your heart. They will realize that they sin, make
mistakes and don't have it all-together either.
Things happen in our lives- things that we can't take back. We all want
to be accepted by others and want to feel loved for who we are.
Sometimes we focus in too much of what others think that we drive
ourselves crazy. We torment ourselves with others' thoughts of us that
we can't truly love ourselves for who we are and who God created us to
be. If you've made mistakes- accept them and move on. Don't beat
yourself up over things you've failed at or messed up. You are probably
the only one thinking of them still, while everyone else has already
forgotten about it.
I get so caught up if I am still loved by others and hoping that what I
may have done will not make them stop being my friend or love me. I have
to constantly remember- even if others choose to reject me I know that
one person will never stop loving me. God. His love is always constant
and will never forsake us no matter what we have done. If the God who
created us and loves us, the one who is in control of all things still
loves us for all our failures, sins and mistakes- we too should be
content with that and know it doesn't matter what others think.
Sean Duran Photography
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