One Little Light
~ Grace Gift ~ Light
are the light of the world - like a city on a mountain, glowing in the
night for all to see. Don't hide your light under a basket! Instead, put
it on a stand and let it shine for all to see. Matthew 5:14-15

Have you ever driven through the mountains in the middle of the night?
There are usually a few houses that are barely visible, hidden among the
trees and bushes, high atop the hill. I remember
when I was little, my mom and sister and I went on vacations to Colorado
from Illinois. We drove all the way there and back, and a lot of the
driving was done at night. I woke up one night while were driving and
looked up to the top of a mountain to see one little light glowing. But,
in the midst of darkness - no streetlights, no other buildings - this
one little house, besides the moon and the stars, was the only thing
that lit up the night sky. And wow, was it beautiful and amazing. In
fact, I think it was one of the things that made me fall in love with
When I read this verse, I thought of that mountain
and that one little light. It seemed so small and insignificant. I'll
bet most of the people around there didn't even notice it. But, it shone
so brightly that it attracted one little girl's attention in the middle
of the night. And from the back seat of the car, she watched until it
was out of sight.
Somehow, that light seemed so special then.
And now I realize how inspiring it is. We are to be as that city on the
mountain - as small, seemingly insignificant, and unnoticeable as it is,
it attracts the attention of those who need it and shows a testimony of
who God is. More people than you realize see your faith and are
intrigued, inspired, and encouraged. But, more importantly, God sees it
and is glorified. Be a light to your city, community, and school. You
might be amazed at those who are touched by it.

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