Grace Gift
Hope For A Future
'I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me something to
drink'...Then the righteous will answer him, 'Lord, when was it that we saw you hungry and
gave you food, or thirsty and gave you something to drink?...'Truly I tell you, just as you
did it to one of the least of these who are members of my family, you did it to me.'
Matthew 25:35, 37, 40

Through a prayer forum, I 'met' a young man, Wunpini. Right away, I knew I was blessed- blessed to 'know' someone who's heart is focused on the Lord in a third world country- Ghana. Tamale, Ghana to be precise.
Wunpini graciously provided all information and all of the photos. Thank you, Wunpini. May our Lord bless you and keep you.
Cooperation Foundation For Development (CFD) is located in the regional
capital of the Northern Region (Tamale) as its National Headquarters for
a smooth running of the day-to-day activities. A lot of the
marginalized youth, women and children in Ghana can be found in this
area. It covered a road distance of 640km from the headquarters to the
capital city (Accra) with a population of more than 1,854,994 (2010
population census).
Here are some of Wunpini's little friends. I look at their faces and wonder what it's like to be them; and I cry. Tears of sadness for their poverty, tears of happiness that others care about and are doing something to make a difference in their lives.

Brief History
Cooperation Foundation For Development was formed in 2011 and
incorporated under the Ghana company of 1963 (act 179). It was founded
by young professionals from the northern region of Ghana who showed
concern about the plight of the rural folk; the women and children
pledged their commitment to work to improve the lot of these vulnerable
groups in diverse ways. Members of CFD in forming the organization
recognized the fact that children are the most vulnerable in society and
need a little push in other to realize their dreams and aspirations.
Members of CFD have diverse backgrounds in working with children in
other to develop their full potentials and are prepared and willing to
exhibit these skills to ensure success programme delivery.
CFD is a Youth-led Non-profit, Non-political, Non-ethnic NGO that exist
to help empower women and children and other vulnerable groups, among
others, to contribute meaningfully towards national development and
prosperity. As such CFD believes in effective collaboration as impetus
for cost effective intervention strides. The activities of CFD are well
embrace by all sectors of society in promoting the welfare of families,
with special focus on promoting the survival, protection and empowerment
needs of children and women as the economically vulnerable group in
society. CFD was set up to promote and hence the welfare of women and
children by opening and linking them through sources of opportunities in
education for children, skills training, microfinance, ICT and exchange
CFD is set-up to work in partnership with other development partners
towards the improvement in the quality of life of children, and other
vulnerable people through: 1. expansion of their livelihood
opportunities 2. improving their education and training, especially
employable skills 3. Poverty alleviation 4. Improving the status of
general sexual and reproductive health rights of women and children 5.
Promotion of primary health care through proper environmental sanitation
and personal hygiene.
Through this we;
* Place children as centre of nation’s development
* Advocate for the respect of the rights of children and empower them
for development.
* Ensure that women gain full recognition and equal participation in
* Improve the quality of life through proper family planning management
and quality reproductive health education and services.
* Network with NGO’S, Schools to produce relevant skills experts.
* Develop and manage long-term development oriented programmes aimed at
supporting women and children as source of livelihood.
CFD envisages a society free from child abuse, violence against women,
gender inequalities violence against women and child streetism, by
creating an atmosphere where women and children would have a voice and
be outspoken through active participation in decision-making from the
grassroots to the national level.
Aims and Objectives
* To champion the promotion of primary health care through the
exercising of proper environmental sanitation and personal hygiene.
* To advocate, promote, support and enhance the education of women and
children in Ghana
* Embark on training designed for children (5-18) to upgrade and broaden
their knowledge and skills in ICT to expose them to modern technology.
* Grant to individuals (orphaned and the needy) in exceptional
* Financial empowerment for women through a revolving microfinance
* To receive and accommodate volunteers from across the globe.
* Catalyst processes that will establish sustainable and dynamic
cross-sector partnership that are driven by the priorities of
marginalized women and children.
* Foster an environment which maintains processes of coalition building
throughout institutions and development entrepreneurs that drive
creativity, best practice and build legitimacy throughout civil society.
* Introduce exchange programmes for children to interact with colleagues
within and outside the country.
* Organize Annual round table discussions on issues related to women and
child welfare and development.
* Implement the child protection policies (CCP).
Programme Focus
CFD programmes are designed to focus within six (6) main thematic areas;
Child Development and Reproductive Health
Child Rights Education
Skill Training/ICT
Microfinance for Women
Food Security
Target Groups
• Children
• Women
Operation Areas
• Tamale Metropolis
• Savelugu/Nanton District
• Tolon/Kumbungu
Governing Body
The organization is headed by a five (5) member Advisory Board (herein
after referred to as BOARD OF TRUSTEES) who are child rights activist,
youth development activists, gender activists and human rights activist;
dedicated and self motivated to ensure smooth running of CFD. The Board
is responsible for policy formulation, direction and supervision of all
Management Committee
A team of four management committee, assisted by District Coordinators
sees to the day-to-day running of CDF programmes. They comprised;
o Programme Manager
o Project Coordinator
o Finance Officer
o Administrative Officer
women are supported with little funds to do shear-butter and other
agricultural business to support themselves and their families.
Give me Your eyes for just one second
Give me Your eyes so I can see
Everything that I keep missing
Give me Your love for humanity
Give me Your arms for the broken hearted
The ones that are far beyond my reach
Give me Your heart for the ones forgotten
Give me Your eyes so I can see
- chorus of Give Me Your Eyes by Brandon Heath